Huge investment transforms the Club
Improved facilities allowed the Club to increase the annual subscription to a more appropriate level. Membership numbers increased as word got out about the new courts at West Bridgford and a combination of the two meant that, for the first time, the Club was able to pay its way from tennis income.
Anyone remember the jumble sales?
With the appointment of a professional Club Coach in 1990, the coaching programme expanded and as the Club attracted more members, the competitive teams grew in depth and strength.
In 1995 an ambitious Committee raised funding via grants from the National Lottery and Rushcliffe Borough Council as well as a loan from the LTA.
These funds built the new pavilion, 3 indoor courts, changing rooms, gym, meeting room, office and the bar lounge. Opening in 1999, 3 outdoor courts were also re-surfaced with artificial grass, as part of the project, and the old pavilion was demolished, making way for a larger car park.
The 'new' Club - open for 13 hours a day provided opportunity for even more tennis and coaching, attracting even more members.